How Does Evil Work?
- With all of the images of evil we see on TV and on the internet today, we have almost become numb to the reality of it. In fact, it has become a seduction that many people have been drawn into. Seduction into evil today begins exactly as it did in the Garden of Eden, by deception and believing a lie.
- What About the Blood Moons?
- (Media / What About the Blood Moons?)
- There is a lot of talk today about Blood Moons occurring in 2014 and 2015. There are many...
- Can The World Save Itself?
- (Media / Can The World Save Itself?)
- Everyone seems to have the answer to the world's problem. Some think if we would all join...
- Will a Two State Solution...
- (Media / Will a Two State Solution Really Work?)
- There is much discussion today on the two state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and...
- Details
- Categories: The Two Minute Answer Relevant Christian Jeff Carlson